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 Angelica Muro 

 Dept. Chair 

 Assistant Professor 







Angelica Muro holds an MFA degree from Mills College and a BA in Photography from San Jose State University.  Recent exhibitions include Photo ID, Santa Cruz Museum of Art, Chico & Chang: A Look at the Impact of Latino and Asian Cultures on California's Visual Landscape, Intersection for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, Chica\Chic: La Nueva Onda/The New Wave of Chicana Art, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, You’re Breathing in It: Exploring the Studio and Alternative Art Strategies, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA, Domestic Disobedience, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego, CA, and Better to Die on My Feet, Self-Help Graphics, Los Angeles, CA. She is the recipient of the Herringer Family Foundation Award for Excellence in Art and the Trefethen Merit Award. Muro’s curatorial projects have been awarded grants from the Center for Cultural Innovation through the Creative Capacity Fund, the James Irvine Foundation for Intersections, and Adobe Youth Voices. She is co-founder, principal, and curator of Space 47 projects. Muro is the current Chair and an Assistant Professor of Integrated Media and Photography in the Visual and and Public Art Department. Muro teaches photography, digital art, and media analysis courses.

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